As many as one in ten of the Irish population has some kind of disability – whether physical, sensory or intellectual. Far too much of the time the focus is on what these people cannot do , a blind person cannot see, a deaf person cannot hear, a wheelchair user cannot walk. Able Lives seeks to restore the balance by focussing on the positive aspects of these peoples lives – their courage and determination, their abilities and, in many cases, their remarkable achievements.
What is it like to participate in the Special Olympics? How do you become a watersports champion when you cannot even walk? What is it like to play the piano in the White House months after being blinded? This unique book offers a fascinating insight into the lives of a variety of people in Ireland living with different kinds of disabilities. A few are well-known for their high-profile achievements, but most are private citizens struggling to live their lives as fully as possible in a society which, in many cases, is disabled in its approach to people with disabilities.
All proceeds from this book will go to the Disability Federation of Ireland, the Aisling Foundation and the Camphill Community Celtic Lyre Orchestra.
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