Care, Justice & Gender: A New Harmony for Family Values

Care, Justice & Gender: A New Harmony for Family Values


Grossman Freyne Gail

Author(s): N/A

ISBN13: 9781853909849

ISBN10: 9781853909849

Publisher: Veritas Warehouse – Ballycoolin D 11

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Dr Gail Freynes Care, Justice & Gender is one of the freshest, most enlightening contributions to feminist theory and marriage counselling now available. It enables both counsellors and couples alike to recognize the missing link between what makes for a troubled marriage and what constitutes an emotionally satisfying relationship. This is a book for those who want to understand marriage from both sides.

Care, Justice & Gender: A New Harmony for Family Values is a book for women and for men. It helps women understand their own emotional responses to marital conflict. It enables men to understand what women really want. Most of all, it helps both women and men to see what theyre each missing in the institution of marriage as we now know it. Care, Justice & Gender belongs on the shelf of every married couple and counsellor in the field.

Gail Grossman Freyne is a solicitor, a psychotherapist and a mediator. But it is also her feel for the human situation of troubled marriages that enables her to chart a way to the win/win of a satisfying relationship. In her book “family values” get a freshness they seemed to have lost.

Additional information

Weight 0.26 kg
Dimensions 20.4 × 14 × 1.4 cm


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