Crux: The Place of the Cross in the Process of Transformation

Crux: The Place of the Cross in the Process of Transformation


Author: Dave Andrews
Publisher: Mosaic Resources
ISBN: 9781743241080
Format: Paperback
Page Count:
Special Order Item


What was Jesus hoping to accomplish by laying down his life? And what has his death on the cross 2000 years ago got to do with us today? These are the questions CRUX answers, by re-examining the place of the story of the cross in the process of transformation. This book contends that the cross has the power to inspire a faith that can challenge the status quo and infuse our work for love and justice with infinite significance, and that the cross – and the unique critique, charisma, and catalyst it equips us with – is at the crux of any struggle for genuine personal, social, and political change.


Dave Andrews, his wife Ange and family, have lived and worked in intentional communities with marginalised groups of people in Australia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal for over 40 years. Dave is interested in intentional community and the dynamics of personal and social transformation. Author of many books, Dave’s an educator for TEAR Australia, an international aid agency; lecturer at the University of Queensland; teacher for the Community Praxis Co-op; and advisor for Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor. He now lives in a large joint household with his wife, children, grandchildren and others in an inner city community in Brisbane, Australia.


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