Illustrated Wall Maps of Bible and Atlas of the Bible

Illustrated Wall Maps of Bible and Atlas of the Bible


Author: Carta Jerusalem
Publisher: Carta Jerusalem
ISBN: 9789652204936
Format: Poster
Page Count:
Special Order Item

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Package of 12 beautiful wall maps ideal for the classroom. Covering the entire Bible epoch, these Bible wall maps are specially designed as a teacher’s aid and can be used in conjunction with Carta’s Atlas of the Bible, also enclosed in the package. Carta’s Illustrated Bible Wall Maps are ideal for use in school, Sunday school, Bible class, Bible College or seminary.
Carta Jerusalem was established in 1958 and has for 55 years developed the world’s largest data bank for maps and texts depicting biblical reality & events – both Old and New Testament times and intermediate periods. They specialise in the historical geography of Bible lands & cultures, the history & archaeology of Jerusalem and other sacred sites, biblical and later archaeology of the Holy Land, and much more. Every event, campaign battle, journey and pilgrimage has been cartographically documented by Carta Jerusalem through all historical and archaeological periods from prehistoric to modern times.


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