In His Footsteps

In His Footsteps


Author: Kirvan, John
Publisher: Ave Maria
ISBN: 9781594710278
Format: Paperback
Page Count:
Special Order Item

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This addition to the popular 30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher series (over 380,000 copies sold) offers readers a journey into the heart of Francis of Assisi and his spiritual vision. Guided by the insights of his followers, readers pray and reflect on the cornerstones of Franciscan spirituality—prayer, poverty, and peace. Kirvan leads readers to understand more deeply the power of Francis’ spiritual way and how it can be lived today. Kirvan shows how, like Francis, contemporary Christians are called to become pray-ers, to live and love poverty, and to cultivate inner peace and become peacemakers.

John Kirvan, Author

John Kirvan, who died in 2012, has written primarily about classical spirituality. He conceived the 30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher series and has edited most of its fifteen titles. Kirvan’s other books include God Hunger, Silent Hope, Raw Faith, and There Is a God, There Is No God.


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