Saint Padre Pio, the man, his miracles, his priesthood, his loves and hates are described by some Irish people who knew him, saw him, met him or witnessed him. What he was like, his moods and character, his holiness and sense of humour are featured in this book. You will read about his stigmata, powers of bilocation, ability to read minds, his Masses and confessions. The saint’s views of women, new fashions and even his interest in football are outlined.
In this book, the man who bore the five wounds of Christ is described by, among others, an Irish organiser of the Great Escape in World War II, a wartime spymaster living in Donegal, two adulterous authors, and a Vatican diplomat from Dublin who investigated the famous friar. Padre Pio-Irish Encounters with the Saint, written by bestselling author Colm Keane, brings you up-close to an extraordinary mystic and wonder-worker in a way you have never experienced before.
About the Author:
Colm Keane has published a number of books, including best-sellers Padre Pio: The Irish Connection and Nervous Breakdown, Forewarned, Going Home, The Distant Shore. As a broadcaster, he won a Jacobs Award and a Glaxo Fellowship for European Science Writers. Among his other books are The Jobs Crisis, Death and Dying and the Stress File.