Psychological Insight into the Bible

Psychological Insight into the Bible


Author: Wayne G. Rollins,
D Andrew Kille
Publisher: Wm B Eerdmans
ISBN: 9780802841551
Format: Paperback
Page Count:
Special Order Item


In recent years theologians and biblical scholars have begun to delve into the insights that come from the application of psychology to biblical texts. While these methods continue to be useful and popular, nowhere have the “foundational” texts in the field been collected.

Wayne Rollins and Andrew Kille, who have both published and taught widely in the area of psychological biblical criticism, have assembled an excellent guide for those interested in this fascinating topic. Included in Psychological Insight into the Bible, are articles from across the landscape, spanning over one hundred years and including such authors as Franz Delitzsch, M. Scott Fletcher, Max Weber, Walter Wink, and many other scholars.


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