Seasons of Hope consists of a comprehensive guidebook for leaders and four participant journals. The program offers twenty-four scripture-based sessions for grievers, organised into four six-week seasons, three times as many as other books or bereavement programs. Each season is self-contained and non-sequential so that participants may begin with any of the four seasons and parish leaders may schedule the six-week seasons as fits the particular pastoral needs of each individual parish.
The Guidebook leads bereavement ministers through all the necessary steps of creating and sustaining small bereavement groups. It also provides detailed scripts and helpful hints for each of these twenty-four sessions. The four seasons follow the same pattern and might be used consecutively in a parish, but are also designed to stand alone.
The Participant Journals – one for each season – are used in group gatherings and for home-journaling. Each week offers a theme, commentary, scripture citations for further reading and spiritual exercises drawn from Catholic tradition. The sessions each follow the same simple format and flow with a comforting blend of commentary, scripture, prayer, simple group exercises, faith-sharing and Catholic traditions.
The Facilitator’s Pack includes the Guidebook and one of each of the Participant Journals.M Donna MacLeod, Author
M Donna MacLeod, RN, MSN, is a bereavement ministry specialist and hospice professional. Inspired by the loss of her youngest child and the compassionate response of her parish in 1988, MacLeod began faith sharing groups for those who mourn. Her innovative work rooted in Catholic traditions evolved into the Seasons of Hope program.
A seasoned lecturer and facilitator, MacLeod has organised and consults with parish bereavement ministries across the country, and now serves in the Diocese of Orlando. A member of the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers (NACFLM), she has served on the board of trustees of the National Catholic Ministry to the Bereaved.
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