12 more episodes of the best small group DVD studies
In the second volume in the “Best of Small Groups” series, churches and small groups have another opportunity to survey the finest Christian curricula available.
Twelve sessions include:
• Bill Hull—Curriculum: Choose the Life; Session title: ‘Cheap Grace’
• Bryan Crute—Curriculum: The Lord’s Prayer: Session title: ‘Reverence: Your Loving Father’
• Cynthia Heald—Curriculum: Becoming a Woman of Simplicity; Session title: ‘Profound Simplicity’
• Dee Eastman—Curriculum: The Daniel Plan
• Francis Chan—Curriculum: Crazy Love; Session title: ‘Stop Praying’
• James MacDonald—Curriculum: Acts 29
• John Piper—Curriculum: Let the Nations Be Glad!; Session title: ‘Defining Nations and Defining Peoples’
• Kerry and Chris Shook—Curriculum: Love at Last Sight; Session title: ‘The Art of Being All There’
• Mark Batterson—Curriculum: Surrendered and Untamed: Session title: ‘The Promise’
• Nancy Guthrie—Curriculum: Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament; Session title: ‘The Road to Emmaus: The Beginning in Light of the Ending’
• Pete Wilson—Curriculum: Canvas: Heart; Session title: ‘Look Closer: The Monitor’
• Tom and Chaundel Holladay—Curriculum: Love-Powered Parenting: Loving Your Kids the Way Jesus Loves You; Session title: ‘Finding Energy for What’s Important’
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