The Disciples’ Jesus: Christology as Reconciling Practice

The Disciples’ Jesus: Christology as Reconciling Practice


Author: Terrence W Tilley
Publisher: Orbis Books
ISBN: 9781570757969
Format: Paperback
Page Count:
Special Order Item


Closely argued and finely nuanced, The Disciples’ Jesus explores texts from Mark 8: 27-30 (the questioning of Peter at Caesarea Philippi); John 11: 17-27 (the encounter of Jesus with Mary and Martha at Bethany); Philippians 1: 6-11 (the kenosis hymn); and Luke 7: 18-23 and Matthew 11: 2-6 (the encounter between Jesus and the disciples of John the Baptist). In conversation with a large number of contemporary theologians, Tilley explores Christian discipleship, what it meant to the early followers of Jesus and what it means to believers today.


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