What is it like to lose a loved one through suicide?
– How do we support a suicide-bereaved friend?
– How can we break the news of a suicide?
– How do we talk with children?
– Can we identify and respond to signs of risk?
– What can the school do?
– Where is faith in all this?
– What supports are available?
These are just some of the questions addressed in this unique gathering of experiences and perspectives on suicide. The book aims to be supportive, resourceful and informative to those touched by suicide in any way. In particular this book will offer:
– personal stories of the suicide bereaved
– current research in the area
– support for individuals and families
– responses for the school community to consider
– information on a range of courses and organisations to
support the suicide bereaved.
Also includes a range of reflections on suicide and loss, with contributions from U2, Christy Moore, Jim Corr and John Lonergan.
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