Two thousand years ago, Jesus of Nazareth linked his lively awareness of God with the everyday concerns of his contemporaries. Issues normally regarded as sacred took on practical and worldly dimensions. Meanwhile the concerns of a host drawing up a guest-list, a woman drawing water at a well, a father mourning his daughter, as well as farmers and fishermen and those suffering illness were all seen to be of intimate concern to God — a God Jesus knew intimately.
The Christian preacher strives for something similar now. How would Jesus illuminate this Scripture passage? What advice would he give? The challenge is to stimulate the imaginations of people who come together to pray.
Through ten years and more, Adrian Lyons was charged with preaching to educated urban congregations, to country parishes, and to students and their parents at a convent secondary college.
Adrian Lyons, Author
Adrian Lyons SJ studied theology at the United Faculty of Theology in Melbourne and ministered as a university chaplain in Adelaide, and in adult faith education in Perth. After three months’ internship at America magazine in New York, and a year’s editing experience at publisher Collins Dove led towards the foundation of Eureka Street magazine. From 1991 he undertook writing assignments for the Jesuit Refugee Service and a period as a country parish priest. Adrian is now semi-retired and enjoys writing reflectively.
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